Honey International B.V.is the procurement and chain development organization for its members and partners. Joint venture and strategic alliance partners are beekeepers and suppliers of high quality honey and other api-products from all over the world, which are interested in a long term relationship with the Honey International network. For its partners, Honey International functions as a technological service organization and assists in their production, expansion and internationalization process. Special attention is given to development of fair trade, organic certification and full tracing and tracking. We are continuously on the lookout for innovative partnerships, active in beekeeping and collecting/processing regular and special honey types, as well as other api-products. In Memoriam Marieke MutsaersWe are saddened by the passing of Marieke Mutsaers on 12 May. Marieke was a reliable partner in our projects. As such, she contributed greatly to prosperous collaboration with great satisfaction. She was a true "self-made" expert. Besides detailed knowledge of beekeeping in (sub) tropical regions and "seasonal beekeeping" she also possessed thorough knowledge of the honey value chain and many other bee products. We learned a lot from Marieke. Her vast knowledge made her a respected author of several (scientific) papers, handbooks and many professional publications. With her special talent to share her knowledge she trained beekeepers and taught us, and others, in an admirable way. Thanks to Marieke a basis for cooperation was created with various contacts and partnerships, such as with:
In many other countries such as Ukraine, China, Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya we were active together with Marieke. For Clootwyck Apiaries and' Honey International her passing is a great loss. Jan Hak BEEKEEPERS NEPAL NEED HELPOn April 25, Nepal was hit by an earthquake which caused more than 7300 deaths and thousands of wounded. Millions of people are affected by this unspeakable disaster. Since 2009 Honey International in Nepal works together with Gandaki Bee. With support of the Dutch government, they focus on the rebuilding and growth of their organization. The purpose of this joint venture is to develop and promote the local production, processing and marketing of the Nepalese honey. This is where the transfer of knowledge, technology and the delivery of machinery play an important role. At this moment, because of our joint efforts more than 10.000 beekeepers are under contract and trained, in order to have a chance of a better future. They now produce more than 700 tons of honey every year. The earthquake has had a devastating effect on our achievements in Nepal. As far as we know, one employee died within the Gandaki Bee organization and the damage accounts for multiple millions of euro's. We haven’t heard anything from the 10.000 involved beekeepers since April 25th. We are very worried about their situation and fear the worst, especially in the Nawalparasi and Pyuthan provinces and of course in the Kathmandu region. Cash fundraise:Honey International (joint venture partner Gandaki Bee started a campaign to raise funds for the affected beekeepers and employees so they can rebuild their houses and apiaries and reboot the collection and processing of honey. Honey International will double the collected amount and donate this to Gandaki Bee immediately. Your chance to help! You can contribute by transferring your donation to the following bank account. Please mention ‘Support beekeepers in Nepal’ or tell us your own (nice) idea to raise money ... all suggestions are welcome! Account number Honey International: IBAN NL 46 RABO 0301560781 BIC RABONL2U Buy honey!Clootwijck Estate is supporting this action by selling their honey. From each sold jar of honey, 50 cent goes to Nepal, which will be doubled again by Honey International!
More information?Please contact us via email: info@honeyinternational.nl, phone: 0183-403794. |
NewsSeptember 2015, Artificial pollination impossible without beesMay 2015, Beekeepers Nepal need helpJune 2014, Speciality honey from NepalDecember 2012, new brochure for Gandaki Bee International, NepalNovember, 2012 - New brochure for Honey International B.V., The Netherlands |